‘Building Community, Educating Musicians, Performing Great Music’

Community Music Center (CMC) – registered as Yayasan Pendidikan Musik Klasik Indonesia (YPMKI) was founded in 2006 at Lippo Village, Tangerang, Indonesia.
Not only does CMC provide a great opportunity to perform in orchestra and choir settings, but CMC also provides music lessons using the Suzuki Method, collaborating with Suzuki Music Association of Indonesia (SMAI) and Asia Region Suzuki Association (ARSA).

CMC Indonesia Mission

  • Provides a positive environment in music education for the community with emphasis on Suzuki Method.
  • Provide opportunities for the community to perform in orchestra or choir settings.
  • Educate the community to appreciate many kinds of music genres, cultural and community fair.
  • Associate with performing arts organizations, institutions, or other parties with a mission to reach out or service to other areas.

CMC reach the community with these programs

  1. Suzuki Private and Group Lessons for violin, cello, guitar and piano
  2. Capriccioso Community Children’s Choirs
  3. Camerata Indonesia Orchestra Program
  4. Vocal Lessons
  5. Early Childhood Music (ECM) programs
  6. Private Piano Lessons for special needs children
  7. Collaborative events with other schools & institutions


  • Antonius Priyanto
  • Therese Wirakesuma
  • Dr. Dedi Tedjakusnadi
  • Kim Anton
  • Dedie Suherlan
  • Rebecca Wirakesuma
  • Emmeline Hambali
  • Novita Tedy Asihto
  • Caroline Poedjokerto, Program Director & CMC Kelapa Gading Coordinator
  • Suprapto Wiro Utomo, CMC Lippo Village Coordinator & SPH Sentul City
  • Cicely Martini, CMC Simprug Garden Coordinator
  • Andreas Librawan Harsono, CMC SPH Pluit Village Coordinator
  • Zipporah Alexandria T, CMC SPH Kemang Village Coordinator
  • Fidella Graine, Children’s Choirs Lippo Village Coordinator

Our Teachers