CMC Music school offers many programs. Our main program uses the Suzuki method for its violin, cello, piano and guitar instructions. We also offer orchestra, children’s choir, vocal lesson, viola lesson, early childhood music program, and piano lessons for special needs children.
Suzuki Method: Violin, Cello, Piano, and Guitar
- The Suzuki method, developed by Shinichi Suzuki, involves teaching very young children. The approach is based on the assumption that all children can learn music in much the same way that they learn their native language.
- Through listening and imitation along with a positive nurturing environment created by parents and family, the ability of the child develops. Therefore, the success of this program depends on the parents or main caregivers.
- The method requires parental participation during the lesson and in daily home practice as well. In general, a commitment of parental time is required. Parents or a responsible adult (family member) attend lessons with students in the CMC Suzuki Program. CMC reserves the right to dismiss students in the case of non-participation of a parent/adult
Suzuki Focus
- Suzuki lessons focus on ear-training, techniques, and beautiful tone.
- Repetition and review are key features of the Suzuki Method.
- Children develop confidence through a step by step mastery learning process.
- The Suzuki repertoire is presented in sequence through the books
- When the student is old enough to read words, music reading is introduced.
- A nurturing loving environment is established from the beginning
- The Suzuki approach emphasizes on a balanced, triangular relationship among teacher, parent and student
- Participation in group lessons motivates children and enhances their musicianship.
for more information about Suzuki Method or Suzuki Music Association of Indonesia please visit:
There are four components of our Suzuki Program :
- Observation – new families are encouraged to observe both a private lesson and a group class.
- Parent Education – in this course, parents gain a thorough understanding of the Suzuki philosophy and method of instrumental music teaching.
- Private Lessons – develop good playing posture, tone, technique and expression.
- Group Classes – develop ensemble playing, a review of repertoire, ear-training, singing and rhythm activities; music reading and music games.
A parent or a guardian is encouraged to attend lessons with the child. The adult will also learn the rudiments of playing the instrument and will be encouraged to attend parent workshops. An observation is required for 3 and 4 year old beginners before entering the program. Most classes are taught in Bahasa Indonesia or in English.
Camerata Indonesia (CI – known as Lippo Karawaci Community Orchestra) is a community string orchestra that rehearses once a week and performs a wide repertoire of music from classical to modern genres. The orchestra itself is a gathering point for musicians from Jakarta and Tangerang area, and it’s made of teachers, students, amateurs, professionals and community members. The Orchestra is now available at Community Music Center Lippo Village, Tangerang, and Community Music Center Kelapa Gading, Jakarta.
The Capriccioso Children’s Choir is made up of three separate choirs comprised of the younger members of our community which are Bluebirds Choir (6-11yrs), Rainbow Choir (9-15 yrs) and Cantare Choir (12yrs and above). Children that are interested to join us will go through an audition and the child’s singing and musical abilities will also help determine which choir they will join.
The word Capriciosso is Italian, which means “playful” and “lively”. We encourage the children in our choirs to make new friends and learn to sing in a way that makes it fun and enjoyable. We believe that making music a part of the children’s lives is very important as musical abilities have been proven to help students with their studies, and more importantly, it makes them happier individuals.
As a part of the Community Music Center, Capriccioso Children’s Choir have performed in numerous concerts and events both within and outside Lippo Village. Our youths in Cantare Choir have even taken part in choir events and festivals in Bandung, Bali, and even abroad to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
2019 – CCC Joined Singapore International Choir Festival (SICF) and won 2nd prize Gold Medal Award for Musica Sacra Category and Gold Medal Award for Folklore Category. CCC also received Special Jury Prize for The Most Outstanding Performance.
2019 – CCC Joined Penabur International Choral Festival (PICF) and won 3rd place Gold Medal Award for Folklore category and SIlver medal for musica sacra category.
2019 – CCC participated at Senandung Untuk Bumi, a children choir competition held by Yayasan Del. In this event. CCC received the 3rd place award for Folklore category, and won the 1 st place for Children Choir Category.
2014 CCC joined the 3rd Bali International Choral Festival and won 2 Silver Medals for Children B and Musica Sacred category and 1 Gold Medal for Folklore Category.
- 2015 CCC joined festival Paduan Suara Penabur and won 2 Gold Medals for Musica Sacra category and Folklore.
- 2015 CCC won the 1st and 3rd prize in Alam Sutra Choir Competition.
- 2016 CCC won 1st winner of Saint Angela Children and Youth Choir Festival (SACYCF) II at Bandung for the Folklore category and won Gold Winner for Children Choir and won the Best Conductor.
- 2016 CCC won 2nd prize in Alam Sutra 2016 Choir Competition.
- 2016 CCC won 1st winner of Saint Angela Children and Youth Choir Festival (SACYCF) II at Bandung for the Folklore category and won 3rd prize (Gold medal) for Children A2 Category and won The Best Conductor award.
- 2017 CCC joined Penabur International Choir Festival and won 2nd prize (Gold Medal) for Folklore Category and 3rd prize (Gold Medal) for Musica Sacra Category. Also won the Most Oustanding Conductor award.